Frequently Asked Questions


Where do ship from?

Shipping is arranged from European Union. Our organization name is not indicated on any package and shipments are made from various shipping points to ensure maximum discretion and highest probability of successful delivery.

Do You Ship Internationally?

We ship worldwide.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Order confirmation with the list of purchased products is sent to your contact email once order is placed. Once payment is received, we process and ship your order within up to 2-5 business days. Shipping time depends on various factors such as method of our shipping, postal service efficiency, customs clearance, international transit, etc., which is why we can only give you an approximation based on our statistics and former experience. Usually shipping to USA takes from 7 to 15 business days once tracking code is provided. Shipping to Europe takes from 7 to 10 business days.

Shipping rate

We offer flat shipping rate: $39


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Bitcoin, PayPal, TransferWise, Western Union, MoneyGram, zoom PayPal


What is the quality of your products?

All our products are 100% original coming directly from Balkan Pharmaceuticals. You can check LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES .

Do I need a prescription to order?

A prescription is NOT required to order our products.

Do I need an account to place an order?


What is the maximum amount I can order at one time?

We have no limits to how much you can order. We recommend our first time client to do a test purchase and after you see that you happy with our services we will be glad to serve you more.
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