SP Sustanon Forte

$90 $77

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Package: 1 vial (500mg/ml 10 ml)
Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate 60mg, Testosterone Phenylpropionate120mg, Testosterone Isocaproate 120mg, Testosterone Decanoate 200mg
Product name: Testosterone Mix, Susta

SP Sustanon Forte is a drug in an oily solution for injection. It is a preparation that acts over a period of time. Propionate and Phenylpropionate act immediately, the other ether component is released slowly into the blood being active for 2-3 weeks.

This steroid has a strong androgenic action and a pronounced anabolic effect. This steroid is used more to gain muscle mass and strength. Although it has the property of flavor as any other testosterone-based steroid, side effects are easier to feel as if testosterone cypionate or enanthate.

If Sustanon side effects occur later, in this case, it is advisable to use a course of tamoxifen or Provimed.

Among the negative effects are observed water retention in the body which is not welcome when the desired definition, can also appear oily skin, hair loss, acne. Sustanon will inhibit proper testosterone levels, so it is advisable to use Tamoxifen or Clomed after finishing the cycle to prevent the destabilization hormone. It is good that the cure of Tamoxifen to be started after 2-3 weeks after finishing the cycle.

You have to consider that Sustanon is active in the blood for a month after the last injection. Because it is active in the blood for a while this steroid is administered once every 10 days. The optimum dose is between 250 mg administered weekly and 1,000 mg weekly. It is not advisable to use large doses of 750 – 1000 mg per week as negative effects can be higher than muscle mass gains.

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